New South Wales, Australia

Supporting improved pasture management techniques with Australian wool producers.

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About Australia

Australia is the world’s largest wool producer, with farmers facing increased environmental challenges due to climate change — including higher risks of severe droughts, which threaten key natural resources like water and grazing pastures.


Multiple environmental challenges face wool grower communities in Australia. Local climate conditions include high drought risks and frequent wildfires, with water becoming increasingly scarce due to climate change.

In this context, risks of excessive grazing and the conversion of many native grasslands to pastures have put an additional pressure on natural resources. Regenerative agriculture practices such as improved rotational grazing or trees integrated into pasture systems can address these challenges.

Such practices can improve pastureland health and sequester significant amounts of carbon in above and belowground biomass while protecting water streams from nutrient runoff. They also positively contribute to animal welfare.

Regenerative Practices

Regenerative practices, such as rotational grazing and pasture management, have significant benefits for wool farmers and the environment. These sustainable systems can achieve ambitious climate goals for fashion brands — enhancing the health of pastures, sequestering carbon, improving animal welfare, and protecting local water sources.

Community Building

PUR supports farmers on best practices in regenerative agriculture by measuring soil carbon and analyzing project outcomes, including enhancements to local biodiversity.

To build a collaborative community for our projects, we also organize training sessions and farmer workshops — where we provide information about technical carbon topics, while farmers share their expertise to help improve implementation.

Rotational Grazing Benefits

Rotational grazing gives pastures the proper time to rest and regenerate, thereby increasing plant productivity, improving soil health, and enhancing soil carbon sequestration.

Animal Welfare Standards

PUR works with Fox & Lillie's Genesys farmer groups who meet the Responsible Wool Standard (RWS), ensuring that wool is produced through a progressive approach to land management and animal welfare.

Farm Biodiversity

Through changes in grazing patterns and seeding of additional grasses, pastures can maintain many biodiverse plant species.

"One of the main aims in improving and developing our family farm is to improve soil health. A key indicator of healthy soil is one that has good levels of soil organic carbon. I believe we can increase the levels of SOC in our soils by adopting a rotational grazing system that allows short grazing periods followed by adequate rest. Once established, our aim is to keep plants in their optimal growing phase and to maintain 100% ground cover."

Allan, Wool Producer