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Unlocking Biodiversity: Key Insights from PUR's Agroforestry Initiatives

Restoring biodiversity through impact-driven agroforestry

The Global Push to Tackle Nature and Biodiversity Issues is Accelerating

In collaboration with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Nespresso, we have embarked on a journey to maximize the transformative potential of agroforestry. Our recent pilot projects have yielded promising results in tropical landscapes across Colombia—shedding light on the profound impact of regenerative practices on biodiversity conservation and habitat restoration.


“We found that open tree cover almost doubled from 25% to 50% in the seven years after the partnership between PUR and Nespresso began. Using the same remote-sensed data on the landscape outside of Nespresso farms, we measured that open tree cover has remained stable since 2001. Open tree cover is positively associated with biodiversity in coffee farms.”

— Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Cornell University

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Doubling Tree Cover to Support Biodiversity

One of the standout achievements of our projects has been the remarkable increase in tree cover where PUR intervened. Over the span of seven years, Cornell’s study shows a doubling of tree cover on coffee farms with PUR’s agroforestry model compared to the surrounding landscape. The study uses a remote-sensing data product derived from NASA’s instrument MODIS.

What does this mean? By expanding tree cover, we can vastly increase habitat availability for birds and other fauna, fostering a thriving ecosystem across agricultural landscapes.

“Nespresso farms that received PUR’s agroforestry in earlier planting waves had higher biodiversity completeness, on average, and were less variable than the farms in later planting waves, suggesting that PUR agroforestry efforts are elevating biodiversity in Nespresso landscapes.”

— Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Cornell University

Inspiring Producers to Restore Nature

As our agroforestry parcels mature, we’ve observed a significant uptick in the presence of diverse birds, as well as other local flora and fauna. 

“Producers can see birds and recognize them, taking pride in this tangible connection to local wildlife. This sense of pride can foster greater engagement among local producers, encouraging their participation and commitment to conservation efforts.” — Andrew Nobrega

This increase in biodiversity not only highlights the success of our initiatives but also underscores the importance of ecological permanence within regenerative systems. It’s a testament to the enduring impact of our efforts on the surrounding environment.

A Pioneering Collaborative Journey

Our partnership with Nespresso and Cornell has been pivotal in driving these initiatives forward. Together, we’re paving the way for sustainable agriculture practices that prioritize biodiversity conservation and environmental stewardship.

Our pilot projects in Colombia represent a significant step towards unlocking the potential of agroforestry to enhance biodiversity and habitat restoration. With continued collaboration and innovation, we’re poised to make even greater strides towards a more sustainable and resilient future for our planet.


May 21, 2024


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